About Us

Professional PharmacistPharmaPlus Specialty Pharmacy is committed to providing comprehensive medication therapy management services for patients with chronic illnesses and debilitating health conditions.

Our approach involves specialized support solutions for patients who have complex medical conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, Immunoglobulin, and other similar health issues.

By way of clinical collaboration and building a network of manufacturers and suppliers, we believe that we can simplify the complex therapies involved in the patient’s treatment. As much as possible, we also maintain competitive costs by streamlining the supply chain and ensuring efficiency in service delivery.

It only takes one call to get all the support you need. Complying with medication therapy plans will be easier once you register at PharmaPlus Specialty Pharmacy as a patient or provider. Learn more about our services here.

Or, call us at 1-844-877-9633 to get started.